Pierce Michael Kavanagh

Pierce Michael Kavangh a.k.a. PMK is the director of the new film Manufacturing Stoke which interviews Danny Hess, Carl Ekstrom, Jon Wegener and a ton others, including ourselves about sustainability in surfing. Above Pierce is shown using our handplane with his GoPro to get some amazing shore pound barrels for the film.

Since our interview with Pierce in November we have become good friends and it has been amazing to watch his project grow from a small idea into a really huge undertaking. Life is amazingly beautiful at how it throws opportunities at you and places the right people at the right time in your lap to go out and do fun things. For us we could have never known at how great a friend we would make when we said OK to an interview with a guy we had never heard of.

From that act of faith we became lucky to be involved in what has felt like a made to be experience. Pierce has not only embraced our efforts at Enjoy but has embraced us as family. He is what you call good people and it will be amazing to witness the opening night of a film he conceived, directed, funded and produced with a group of extremely talented individuals he calls his misfits.

Here is to good people making good films for other good people. It;s what's life's all about. *enjoy

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