Enjoy a success at Fish Fry Japan

We got this letter and photo from Yuichi, our friend and official “handplane ambassador” in Japan. Yuichi owns the Sea Swallow shop in Japan. He has taken us under his wing and decided to display our little foam wonders at this years Fish Fry in Japan.

This letter put a huge smile on my face. I can’t tell you how stoked we are to have such good people involved in this project and we are overwhelmed by the support from everyone. Thank you Yuichi and thank you everyone who has supported us!

Hi Ed,

Yesterday May 28th I participated to FISH FRY JAPAN.
Many people came to our booth, and Enjoy handplanes there was popularity
very much in FISH FRY.
Some people tried body surfing with Enjoy handplane, and they really
Everyone was saying that it's really fun and liked it.
I able to see their nice smiling. I really enjoyed the event.

Yesterday I was interviewed from Blue. I think that the article of FISH
FRY JAPAN appears in Blue of the next issue. Enjoy handplane will appear
in Japanese magazine!!!
I will send the magazine to you when I got the magazine.

Have a nice Sunday.


Mexi Rainbow Giveaway this weekend at Manufacturing Stoke Premiere

We are giving this away at one of the showings of the Manufacturing Stoke premiere this Saturday 7pm (Sold Out) and Sunday (4pm) at Bird's Surf Shed. 

Buy your tickets online for the Sunday show at www.manufacturingstoke.com. Don't wait for that night as it could be sold out.

ALSO there will be a broken board recycling effort going on at the event. Bring your broken boards to keep them from the landfills.

See you there!

Lemon Lime Round Tai



This is our friend Yuichi from Sea Swallow Surf Shop. He lives in the same town in Japan as my sister and runs an online surf shop there. It's a small world. To give us a bit or perspective, his favorite breaks where trashed by the tsunami. Just now the local surfers are getting back into the water and trying to clean things up. Yuichi wants to help out as much as he can. He is a great human being and has a big heart.  If you live in Japan and need some goods go check out Yuichi's shop and support him as he is making a difference.

Pierce Michael Kavanagh

Pierce Michael Kavangh a.k.a. PMK is the director of the new film Manufacturing Stoke which interviews Danny Hess, Carl Ekstrom, Jon Wegener and a ton others, including ourselves about sustainability in surfing. Above Pierce is shown using our handplane with his GoPro to get some amazing shore pound barrels for the film.

Since our interview with Pierce in November we have become good friends and it has been amazing to watch his project grow from a small idea into a really huge undertaking. Life is amazingly beautiful at how it throws opportunities at you and places the right people at the right time in your lap to go out and do fun things. For us we could have never known at how great a friend we would make when we said OK to an interview with a guy we had never heard of.

From that act of faith we became lucky to be involved in what has felt like a made to be experience. Pierce has not only embraced our efforts at Enjoy but has embraced us as family. He is what you call good people and it will be amazing to witness the opening night of a film he conceived, directed, funded and produced with a group of extremely talented individuals he calls his misfits.

Here is to good people making good films for other good people. It;s what's life's all about. *enjoy