Beacon's Beach Clean Up a Success

Thanks to I Love A Clean San Diego and everyone who showed up! Beacon's is squeaky clean.

Thank You Liquid Salt!!!!

We made it on LS!!!!!!!!  I have been such a big fan of Glenn Sakamoto and Liquid Salt since it first came out. When Glenn asked us to do an interview I was beyond honored. Thank you Glenn for all the support and keeping the soul in surfing alive and well. Long live LS!!

Read it here.

Handplane of the day:

Handplane Hoe-Down May 5th

It's time to blow this thing up. Invite all your friends. Real or E-Friends. They are all welcome. You can go on the Handplane Hoedown Facebook Page and check out all the super cool Bro's that are attending. Or, you can copy this link!/events/317697921630023/ and send it to your friends. Spread the word, the game is now ON!
Event Info:
> San Clemente State Beach

> Date: Saturday, May 5th

> Time: Sunrise to ???

Demo's from Hess, Enjoy, Surfcraft Co-op, Brownfish and many more. All people and company's welcome to bring their goods for a day of sharing waves and ideas.


 Surfcraft Co-op


Joy Lewis

Joy Lewis from Patagonia having some fun in Nantucket.

Handplane of the day:

Happy Easter!

Handplane of the day

The shirt off my back model.

Who says that the old shirt in your closet is no good! This one is going to make quite a few handplanes.